Homes & Neighbors


[ For our customers ]

Options for Receiving Your Newsletters

*SAVE 15% by prepaying for twelve issues.

How You'll Receive Your Mortgage Newsletter:

You have two options to choose from -

1. We can send newsletters with your personalized information already set up in the artwork. A photo and logo can be included with your contact information. There is a $25 one-time fee for this service.

2. You can receive a "master" to photocopy and mail. Personalize your master copy by placing your business card on it before copying. To co-market with another professional - such as a Realtor or builder- also place their card in the space where "Thought for the Month" normally appears.

Personalized newsletters can be sent to you either in black-and-white or color versions. To use the color version, you must have access to a good-quality printer and be able to print a PDF file, or we'll mail the black-and-white master to you for photocopying.



1322 Daly Road • Ojai, CA 93023
( 805 ) 272-8452